
Archive for August 2015

Onfacts about your blood?

  1. Blood is the fluid in our body functioning transmit nutrients and oxygen needed by the body tissue, transporting chemicals products of metabolism, as well as the body's defense against viruses or bacteria.
  2. The blood in our body is red because it contains hemoglobin, which is a respiratory protein that contains iron. This hemoglobin binds oxygen molecules breathing results to be circulated throughout the body. The older the color red means womb oksigenya the lower the contrary, the bright red color means the greater the oxygen content.
  3. Blood carries oxygen throughout the body via the subtle channels called capillaries. The blood is then returned to the heart through the blood vessels of the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava.
  4. Women have about 4.5 liters of blood, while men had 5.6 liters of blood in his body.
  5. Human blood is produced in the spinal cord, this production includes the production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The process of blood formation is called hematopoiesis.
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Facts about your eyes

 Cara Merawat Mata Agar Tetap Sehat
  • Almost 80% of the information that enters our brain is through the sense of sight (eyes)
  • The ability of the eye's lens focuses light is much faster than any camera lens.
  • Tears turned out not only water, but it is composed of fat, mucus and water. It also contains enzymes and antibodies to fight infection. Tears will lubricate the eyeball when dry.
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Benefits from milk

  1. Keeping Eyes Stay Healthy.
  2. Effective To Lose Your Weight. 
  3. Maintain And Strengthen Your Bones.
  4. Maintaining Health And Skin Moisture.
  5. Stress medicine Proven Very Effective.
  6. Relieve Fatigue After Exercise.
  7. Teeth Healthier And Stronger.

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7 Foods That Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels!


  1. Tomato. Although classified into fruits, consuming tomatoes may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. You can make a delicious tomato juice and drink two glasses of tomato juice every day.
  2. Pomegranate. The small red round fruit was also very good for lowering cholesterol levels in the body, especially serves to reduce the buildup of cholesterol plaque as well as to increase the production of nitric oxide which can help in reducing plaque in the arteries. 
  3. Avocado. Fruit with the appearance of green colored oval and is one fruit that can increase levels of good cholesterol in the body. This is because, there are two types of cholesterol in our body which is the bad cholesterol (Low-density lipoprotein) and good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein).
  4. Wine. The grapes were also very good to increase levels of good cholesterol in the body. By regularly drank two glasses of grape juice every day can keep good cholesterol levels in your body.
  5. Garlic. Although classified as a spice or a spice kitchen for all housewives. Garlic was also very effective in helping menurnkan levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Try to consume a clove of garlic a day to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your body (you also can mix them into various types of cuisine you).
  6. Various processed soy (tofu and tempeh). Both types of food are also very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body. Another benefit that can be obtained which are a source of both protein in these foods.
  7. Nuts. nuts intended as peanuts, walnuts, almonds and edamame. The content of omega 3 and antioxidants in nuts are very good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body.
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Why should pick tomatoes?


  • Launch and Healthy Digestive System
  • Protect skin and Skin.
  • Strengthen Bones On Body
  • More Effective Cancer Prevention
  • Abatement Diabetes Naturally
  • Sharpening Your Vision
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what happened with our body?

Förnybar energi
Our body relies on two legs is very energy efficient, because it only requires a bit of muscle movement to stand upright. In fact, "when standing, we use only 7% more energy than when lying down," says neurologist John R. Skoyles. He added that the dogs use the energy of approximately 70 percent more when standing (with four legs) than when lying down.
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Pluto Isn’t The Only Dwarf Planet

Nh-pluto-in-true-color 2x JPEG.jpg

When the International Astronomical Union amended the definition of a planet in 2006, relegating Pluto to the status of a dwarf planet, many were surprised to learn of the existence of other dwarf planets which would keep Pluto company in this category of smaller celestial objects.  Eris, Haumea, Makemake and Ceres, which is located within the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, are all dwarf planets alongside Pluto by the 2006 IAU definition.

What's with female mosquitoes?

Female mosquitoes also hunt using their vision. If we move or if we wear clothes with colors that contrast with the background around us, mosquitoes can find us easily even if they do not succeed we detect with sensors they have.

If the distance is close enough, the female mosquito can also find us use their heat sensors. Therefore, most of the anti-mosquito drugs work by anticipating ways to ward off mosquitoes hunt mosquitoes. (***)
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what happened with nail's

Yuk Miliki Kuku Cantik dengan Bahan Alami !
  • you nail continues to grow constantly,
  •  when losing the nail hands / feet, it will take time for half a year so that the nails can grow from the base to the tip of the nail

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Why Banana's???
Banana is rich in potassium that’s why it can fight off against the fatigue that usually occur due to pregnancy. You can drink banana shake, you can eat it with yogurt etc.

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why drinking orange juice

 7 10 Important Foods to Eat During Pregnancy (6)Try to drink fresh Orange juice because it is rich in vitamin C that is usually consider best for reducing some certain birth blemishes. Furthermore, it ensures a fit pregnancy.  It is helpful in making an unborn baby’s teeth & bones healthy & strong.

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3 benefits salmon

 5 10 Important Foods to Eat During Pregnancy (4)

  • Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Salmon is also a good protein source
  • They also help in decreasing blood triglyceride levels and reducing the formation of plaques that may clog the arteries
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facts about lung

Obat Herbal Infeksi Paru - Paru
your lungs contain tiny blood vessels called capillaries, the lung capillaries there are 300 million, that if we take all these capillaries, and we expand it from end to end, it will produce a length of 1500 miles.
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Lettuce for insomnia drug

Lettuce leaves Useful as analgesics. The research conducted in kentucky, USA. Stating that lettuce contains lactucarium useful as a sedative (sedative). Its effects similar to those found in cough medicine codeine and morphine. Therefore, in addition to healing the cough lettuce can also be used to stimulate the desire to sleep and sleepiness in patients with insomnia.
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5 benefits in regular exercise

  • Removing anxiety  
  • Reducing alcohol consumption 
  • Improve self-esteem 
  • Improving the health of your back 
  • prolong life
So that we are fit and "contain" and ensuring the metabolic rate does not go down and slow down blood circulation is not advisable to exercise 30 minutes a day.
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TIps for play piano

1. You must Relax, do not slouch and stand-up

2.You're arm should be aligned with piano keys and rilex

3. When you play the piano fingers should be curved round

4. How to press the keys with one finger, then another finger (finger that did not press the keys) are not tense but still in shape.

5. Select the songs you like to play because usually when a love song faster to stimulate

That's a few tips to play the piano
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White water Powerful For Senility

A British study showed that if the consumption of mineral water containing silicon as much as one liter per day can prevent cognitive decline. Especially for people with cognitive impairments of Alzheimer's or dementia. Researchers said the mineral water is able to eliminate or at least reduce the neurotoxin aluminum in the body.

So don't forget to always drinking white water
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